Best Cats for Kids

Kids love pets they can include in their games of make believe. Whether they want to carry your cat around pretending she’s their baby or want her to sit as a guest at their tea party, you need a kitty who’s affectionate, playful and most of all: patient.

Gradually introduce her to the family and teach your children how to respect her. Give her plenty of time to get acclimated to her new household. Explore our selection of best cat breeds for children below to find the perfect feline for your family.


Cornish Rex Cat Breed
Devon Rex Cat Breed
Egyptian Mau Cat Breed
European Burmese Cat Breed
Exotic Shorthair Cat Breed
Havana Brown Cat Breed
Himalayan Cat Breed
Japanese Bobtail Cat Breed
Korat Cat Breed
LaPerm Cat Breed
Maine Coon Cat Breed
Manx Cat Breed