Dog Articles

Learn the fundamentals (and more) about dog and puppy care with our comprehensive collection of articles. Purina experts cover topics like behavior, feeding, health and others, providing valuable insights on training techniques, feeding schedules, exercise routines, grooming and preventative care measures. Whether you're a new dog owner or a seasoned pro, our expert guidance can help you ensure your canine companions are happy and healthy at every stage of their lives. Check out our dog and puppy articles today.

Lymphoma in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment2-4 minutes
Runny Eyes in Dogs2-4 minutes
Vestibular Disease in Dogs2-4 minutes
Why Are My Dog’s Eyes Red?2-4 minutes
Coping With the Loss of Your Dog2-4 minutes
Arthritis in Dogs – Symptoms and Treatment2-4 minutes
Don’t Panic! Spotting Misinformation Before Changing Your Dog’s Food2-4 minutes
Recognizing and Treating Dog Mites2-4 minutes
Worms in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment2-4 minutes
Dog Labor Signs & Puppy Delivery Stages Explained2-4 minutes
What Are the Signs of Dog Pregnancy?2-4 minutes
Guide to Types of Dog Poop: Decoding Color & Consistency2-4 minutes
Dog Diarrhea: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment2-4 minutes
Gastroenteritis in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment2-4 minutes
Why is My Dog Pooping Blood?2-4 minutes
Urine Infections in Dogs2-4 minutes